A coppice throughout the year
Feb 27, 2018
Ephemeral Carpets & Canopies
The textures and colours of the canopy alters throughout each season, as do the textures and colours of the ground plane in this ancient, semi-natural, oak-lime woodland.
This coppice wood of 20.8 ha was recorded in the Domesday Book 1086 and may have existed c.500 AD. The structure and composition of much of the wood is indicative of its ancient status. There is extensive ancient coppice of small-leaved lime Tilia cordata, with stools up to 5m in diameter, and sessile oak Quercus petraea, much of it former coppice with surviving stools up to 2 m in diameter. The presence of Tilia in quantity here is probably an indication that the wood has been an enclosed coppice wood with very restricted or no grazing throughout its recorded history.